Which Strains Should You Use

Which Strains Should You Use

Marijuana flowers come in numerous strains but are generally divided into three groups:

  • Sativa: Believed to provide a more uplifting, cerebral high that doesn’t take away from the user’s energy level, it’s a common choice for daytime smoking or smoking at social gatherings.
  • Indica: Believed to deliver a more physically numbing high, Indica is often used at night for relaxation.
  • Hybrid: Containing some ratio of both Sativa and Indica, it may resemble one more than the other, depending on the characteristics it inherits from the parent strains.

I’ve used the word “believed” in the above descriptions, as there’s no real data that suggests the above is true. Even though some say the experiences of using Sativa and Indica are vastly different, I personally have never felt it. Remember that energy levels and context also play a major role in how your adventure will shape up.

If you have a favorite strain for vaping or smoking, I’d recommend using it in recipes as well. If you’re making edibles to achieve a euphoric high, it’s best to be safe and use strains with low levels of CBD, as some chefs claim THC and CBD seem to work against each other when cooking though that’s far from scientifically established.