Coco Loco Smoothie Canna Bowl

I created a non-intoxicating version of this bowl at a fundraiser for my daughter’s first grade. The feedback was surprisingly good (“the best smoothie bowl I ever tasted” – swear to god…) and so I decided to transform this one to its intoxicating counterpart. If you’re into coconut, I highly recommend you give this a try – it’s simple, healthy, and super delicious. Any leftovers can be made into popsicles. In fact, I’m eating one as I’m writing these lines…

Canna Recipes | Vegeterian


6 bananas, peeled and frozen (important)

1 tsp cocoa nibs or high-quality cocoa powder

8½ fl oz (250 ml) light coconut milk

1 tbsp (20 grams) cannabis-infused honey

1 cup ice cubes

Cold water as necessary



1 banana

2 tbsp chia seeds

2 tbsp coconut flakes

2 tbsp walnuts or pecan nuts, crushed


  1. Add all ingredients to the bowl of a high-speed blender, preferably with a tamper. Blend on pulses until the contents are crushed enough and then switch to medium speed until the consistency is to your liking. If you need – add cold water by the tablespoon.
  2. Taste and fix – if you wish to sweeten the dish use regular honey
  3. Pour the Coco Loco mixture into bowls and generously the toppings. Enjoy!


Potency: If you’re using a 15% THC strain, this recipe yields approximately 50mg of THC in total. If indeed you created two servings, it means each serving will contain 25mg of THC. See how to calculate potency